
These are the tours you can take on your own:

1. 5 minute Tour – Top 5 graves that most people want to see.

2. 15 graves beyond the 5 – A more extensive look at the graveyard with 15 graves, encompassing both church and city leaders.

3. Veterans Tour – We have 9 veterans from the French and Indian War through the Civil War. Who are they ?

4. Women’s Tour – Who are the prominent women buried in the graveyard ?

5. St. Georgians’ tour – People who attended St. George’s who are buried here.

6. Relatives Tour – What are the different styles of the graves over the 200 years of the graveyard ?

7. Gravestone Tour – What are the different styles of the graves over the 200 years of the graveyard ?

8. Typography Tour – This spotlights the different typography we have in the graveyard.