It was entitled A Sketch prepared in the Interest of the Ladies Cemetery Guild of St. George’s Church, Fredericksburg, Virginia, and containing a List of Burials in St. George’s Cemetery
“In the course of time, as those most nearly interested and concerned in the proper preservation of this spot died, or moved away, and also, in large part, owning to the social and financial crash consequent upon the civil war, this cemetery was allowed —as was the sad case with so many other places of sentimental historical interest in Virginia—to fall into a state of great neglect and disrepair. ”
It described what they to rectify the situation
“One year ago this winter a few members of St. George’s congregation, as usual chiefly ladies, interested in the history and traditions of the Parish, began to agitate the matter of clearing and restoring the cemetery. At first it seemed to many hopeless on account of the expense it would involve; however, the agitation soon took shape in action. On the 6th of April, 1891, the ladies interested held a meeting and formed “St. George’s Cemetery Guild,” whose sole object should be the restoration of the cemetery, and whose sole requirement for membership was interest in that work. The Guild collected, as far as possible, the names of all parties, all over the Union, who were in any way interested in the matter, issued a circular stating their object and its needs, and proceeded to the collection of funds and the eliciting of all possible interest. Their efforts met with a gratifying degree of success. Nearly all to whom appeal for assistance was made responded with kind words of cheer and encouragement, and with some aid; many responded with great liberality; only a very few made no response at all.
“By an expenditure of about $150 the cemetery has been thoroughly cleaned: a’ll bushes and roots removed, the ground rolled and sowed in grass, and in some places terraced and sodded. Some trees have been planted, and many tomb-stones cleaned, and some tombs repaired. The Guild still has some money in hand, and as soon as they are able they propose to enclose the front of the cemetery with a handsome iron fence, and after that to make such other improvements as their contributions will enable them to make. The Guild gladly gives its time, care and attention to this laudable work, but is unable to bear the financial expense; hence they depend on their friends for this assistance.”
The following are the pages of this slim but important volume:
1892 Sketch and description of Cemetery