Philip Helmstatter

Post Content -

Sacred to the memory of Philip J. Helmstatter who died Aug. 17, 1831 aged 31 years. This stone is placed here by an affectionate Mother to an (***)y son.  [*** Three letters indistinct; we suppose this word is ‘only’].


Age - Age 21-40

Section -

ID - 70
Birth -1800
Death -1831

Gender - Male

Veteran -

Data -


[1] Died of apoplexy and then 8 or 9 weeks lay without “murmur or complaint”

“just in his dealings and remarkable through the  whole of his life for peace and goodwill to all men”

“his mind was much drawn out on the subject of salvation .”

“Warning to his acquaintance ‘in a moment they might also be deprived of health and strength'”

[2] Ad “English rum, Madeira wine, handsome cotton yard, pocket and pen knives, shad and mackerel by the barrel, gunpowder, tea, candies, a large assortment of stoneware, pepper, allspice, ginger, alum, saltpeter and a handsome of GLASSWARE”

[3] “800 lbs of sole leather, 50 barrels Mountain family flour, 12 barrels mackerel.”


[1] Virginia Herald  8/20/1831 3×4
[2] Virginia Herald 10/7/1829 3×4
[3] Virginia Herald 9/11/1830 3×2
